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¤Theory of the Light of the Stars¤ Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that among the clusters of stars which we see at night, some are so bright that our sun, in comparison, is quite insignificant. Because of man's limited knowledge, many people during the Imam's time and centuries after him, considered this theory to be illogical, irrational and unacceptable. They could not believe that these small specks of light which are called stars, can have more light than the light of our big bright sun. About twelve and a half centuries later, it was proved that what he said was quite correct. It has been discovered that there are stars in the universe, which are billions of times brighter than the sun. They are called quasars. The light of quasars is about quadrillion times (ten thousand billion times) the light of our sun. Some of them are at a distance of about 9000 million light years from the earth. The first such quasar was discovered in 1927. Another important theory was th

Top 5 SPACE Fiction Movies 2016

1.Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Released on December 16th, 2016 Rogue One takes place before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope and will be a departure from the saga films but have elements that are familiar to the Star Wars universe. It goes into new territory, exploring the galactic struggle from a ground-war perspective while maintaining that essential Star Wars feel that fans have come to know. 2. Star Trek Beyond July 22nd, 2016 120 mins "Star Trek Beyond," the highly anticipated next installment in the globally popular Star Trek franchise, created by Gene Roddenberry and reintroduced by J.J. Abrams in 2009, returns with director Justin Lin (“The Fast and the Furious” franchise) at the helm of this epic voyage of the U.S.S. Enterprise and her intrepid crew. In “Beyond," the Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test. 3.Independenc

Qandeel Baloch-The Innocent Fighter

Qandeel Baloch is a true example of Girl Power Which not just stand against oppression on women but challenge the Cruel Govt of Pakistan.Unfortunately her death is a message to those womens who still keep silent even facing harsh domestic violence and home Abuse.Every women needs to learn from his death.Once again pak govt failed to save one more malala.

More on Aliens in Islam

It has been narrated that Allah the Most Exalted has created many worlds other than our own on which various creatures exist. They all had an Adam (the first creature of their kind) and will all be resurrected. All of these creatures in all different worlds are obligated to have knowledge of Muhammed and his pure household (peace be upon them), obey their rules and befriend them. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely Allah has created twelve thousand worlds, each of those worlds is greater than the seven heavens and the seven earths. None of (those) worlds thinks that Allah has got any other world (than them), and I am Allah’s Huja (guardian) over them.” Reference: Book(al-Bihar Chapter 15, Hadith no. 1) Imam Muhammed al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely Allah had created in the earth – since He created it – seven worlds; they (the creatures who live on it) were not from the children of Adam; He created them from the surface of the earth, then He placed them on i

Aliens In Shia Islam Explained!

Aliens according to islam is explained simply by imam jafar al sadiq which is known to be a one of the greatest god chosen shia imams. Once Jaber asked, “What are the shining stars, which are at a fixed distance from us and are always in motion?” Ja’far as-Sadeq replied, “Each star is a small universe within the great universe. It is a collection of heavenly bodies, i.e. a sun and it’s satellites. They are in perpetual motion so that they may not fall down and break up. If their movement stops, the universe will come to an end. It is perpetual motion, which creates life. In other words perpetual motion itself is life. If the motion stops, life would cease to exist.” Jaber asked, “What is the shape and form of stars in space?” Ja’far as-Sadeq replied, “Some stars are solid, some liquid and some in gaseous state.” Jaber said in wonderment, “How can we believe that stars may be in a gaseous state. Is it possible for gases to shine as the stars do at night?” Ja’far as-Sadeq said, “Not

Jesus Christ ('a) Speaks through Shia Narrations

In the Qur'an, in a passage describing the annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus ('a) is described as a Word from God: "O Mary! Verily Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him; his name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, eminent in this world, and in the Hereafter of those near [to God]" (3:44) The context in which this ayah was revealed was one of inter-religious encounter. It is said that the Christians of Najran sent a delegation to the Prophet of Islam (s) at Makkah to question him about the teachings of Islam concerning Jesus ('a), and God revealed the above and other ayat of Surat Al 'Imran in response. The response is not only not a denial of Christian teachings, although the divinity of Christ is clearly rejected, but also an affirmation of much believed by Christians as well, even the designation of Christ as logos: 'O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your creed, and do not say of Allah but the Truth. Verily, t

Special specifications of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Special specifications of Imam Mahdi (AS) In the previous part, I provided extensive traditions from the six authentic Sunni collections concerning the fact that Imam Mahdi (AS) who is different than Jesus (the messiah) WILL come and he is the descendant of Prophet and his daughter Fatimah. The traditions further illuminated the fact that Jesus (who was a great Prophet) will pray behind al-Mahdi (who is an Imam). Also I gave the fatwa of Sunni scholars who stated that the belief in the "Mahdi of the House of Prophet" is one of the Islamic tenets for "Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama'a", and any one who denies it is either ignorant or an innovator. In this part however, I would like to talk about some special specifications of Imam Mahdi which is questionable for a majority of Sunnis. Imam Mahdi's Identification: Shia believe that Imam Mahdi is the only son of Imam Hasan al-Askari (the 11th Imam) who was born on 15th of Sha'ban 255/869 in Samarra, Iraq. H

MISC. Information on Imam Mehdi (AS)

In a tradition up on whose authenticity all Muslims agree, the Holy Prophet has said: "Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left before Doomsday (Day of judgment), Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person out of my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will then fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny before then." Sunni Reference: Sahih Tirmidhi, V2, P86, V9, P74-75 (There are many more.) The context of the above precious tradition informs the golden divine promises will take place, sooner or later, one way or another, as mentioned in most of the Shi'ite and Sunnit sources. In a tradition the Holy Prophet said to the Commander of believers, Ali, that: "There will be twelve Guides (Imams) after me, the first of whom is you, O' Ali, and the
